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  上个月,正力新能发布了双重半固态超长续航大圆柱电池。据悉,正力新能研发了超高镍正极材料的固态电解质表面修饰技术和固态电解质复合隔膜技术。得益于此,大圆柱电芯的失效起始温度提升10°C,失效最高温度降低150°C。功率性能改善上,零下20°C 低温功率提升了20%。

  据介绍,正力新能46系列大圆柱电芯采用超高镍正极+高硅负极的材料体系,使得动力电池系统能量密度超245Wh/kg,整包电量高达 170kWh,支持纯电MPV车型,满电续航1000公里以上。







Under the high attention and hype in the market, CATL, as a global leader in power batteries, cannot avoid discussing solid-state batteries.

The development of all solid-state batteries is forced to accelerate

Recently, Wu Kai, Chief Scientist of CATL, stated at CIBF that if technology and manufacturing maturity are used as evaluation criteria (on a scale of 1-9), CATL's research and development of all solid state batteries is currently at a level of 4. Wu Kai stated that CATL's goal is to achieve a score of 7-8 by 2027. "In 2027, CATL has great opportunities for small-scale production of all solid state batteries, but due to cost constraints and other factors, large-scale production cannot be achieved yet."

In fact, prior to this, Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of CATL, had already made two statements regarding all solid-state batteries. In March of this year, during an institutional survey, Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of CATL, stated that the implementation of cutting-edge technology needs to go through three routes: technology route, product route, and commodity route. Firstly, check whether the technology is established and whether it can be connected; Secondly, after becoming a product, can safety, reliability, consistency, and quality be guaranteed during the production and manufacturing process; Thirdly, whether it can be sold, as it may be too expensive to sell.


The increasing attention to solid-state batteries

There are three technological routes for solid-state batteries, namely oxide route, sulfide route, and polymer route. "There are still many basic scientific problems to be solved, such as the order of magnitude difference in ion diffusion rate between most solid electrolytes and liquid electrolytes, and the difficulty in maintaining good contact between solid and solid interfaces. After breaking through these technological problems, industrialization will also be encountered," said Zeng Yuqun.

In the same month, Zeng Yuqun also pointed out in an interview with the Financial Times that Japanese car manufacturers and others are still several years away from commercializing solid-state batteries for electric vehicles. This technology is not yet perfect, lacks durability, and still has safety issues (such as the consequences of battery rupture in car accidents).

It can be seen that Wu Kai's statement last month regarding the industrialization of all solid state batteries was the third public statement made by CATL this year.

Since the beginning of this year, attention and discussion on solid-state batteries have been introduced from abroad to China. For foreign companies, they hope to achieve overtaking on curves through all solid state batteries, catching up with China's advantages in the field of power batteries; For domestic enterprises, the government and leading enterprises also attach great importance to consolidating and leading their industrial and technological advantages in the field of power batteries.

The reason why all solid state batteries have become the core route of investment for domestic and foreign enterprises is that they can significantly improve energy density while ensuring ultra-high safety, thereby achieving ultimate performance, meeting the application needs of more scenarios, and achieving the overturning of existing battery systems.

In the global competition for all solid-state batteries, CATL has to say, "The company (CATL) attaches great importance to solid-state batteries and has been laying out for many years, recently increasing a lot of investment."

It should be pointed out that CATL is still relatively calm in its schedule for the industrialization of all solid state batteries.

Wu Kai believes that in order to achieve the industrialization of all solid state batteries, it is still necessary to solve four major problems: solid solid interface, application of lithium metal negative electrode, instability and high synthesis cost of sulfide electrolyte in air, and production process of all solid state batteries.

In fact, none of the above four difficult problems can be effectively solved at present.

Taking the issue of solid solid interface as an example, insufficient contact between the positive electrode material and the electrolyte hinders ion transport; The volume expansion of the negative electrode during the charging and discharging process leads to dynamic damage to the solid-solid interface, which is difficult to repair and continuously deteriorates the solid-solid interface... These seriously affect the cycle life and rate performance of all solid state batteries.

To achieve high energy density goals of 500Wh/kg and 1000Wh/L in all solid state batteries, lithium metal must be used as the negative electrode based on current technology. However, lithium metal has two problems: huge volume expansion and dendritic growth. In addition, there is a bottleneck that needs to be overcome for all solid state lithium metal batteries, which is the increase in battery cycle times. According to Academician Ouyang Minggao of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the current 500Wh/kg lithium metal battery only has a cycle life of about a few dozen times, and a lot of work needs to be done. In addition, in terms of fast charging and safety, as the melting point of lithium metal is only 180 degrees Celsius, these need to be tackled.

It can be seen that the research and mass production of all solid state batteries is a very difficult and complex project. Ningde Times has more than ten years of research and development experience in solid-state batteries. Currently, it has formed a research and development team of nearly a thousand people for all solid-state batteries, and has made some progress and experience. Wu Kai stated that from the perspective of the technological and manufacturing maturity of all solid state batteries, it is expected to gradually enter a mature period in the next three years and truly start the mass production process.


The semi-solid route is necessary and meaningful

Compared to foreign direct bets on all solid state batteries, domestic enterprises are currently focusing on semi-solid (solid-liquid mixture) as their characteristic, with a complete industrial chain, and are trying to install supporting vehicles. Industry insiders believe that the main reason for this situation is that China has mature technology in the field of liquid battery technology, a very complete industrial chain, and diverse downstream application scenarios.

Ouyang Minggao believes that as a transitional technology route, it is necessary and meaningful to develop semi-solid state batteries in China.

In fact, semi-solid state batteries have been widely promoted and have achieved remarkable results in China in recent years.

At present, multiple enterprises including Yiwei Lithium Energy, Funeng Technology, Lishen Battery, Qingtao Energy, Weilan New Energy, Zhengli New Energy, Bike Battery, Guoxuan High tech, and Ganfeng Lithium have all pushed semi-solid batteries to the industrialization stage.

Recently, Bike Battery revealed that the company expects to have the delivery capacity for semi-solid batteries by July this year. It is reported that the Bike semi-solid lithium battery adopts a composite system of polymer and oxide, and forms a semi-solid battery with an electrolyte content of less than 10% through solid-state electrolyte mixing and in-situ solidification technology. "The energy density under this technology route can reach over 350Wh/kg, presenting characteristics of high energy, high safety, low expansion, low internal resistance, and wide temperature range."

According to Bike Battery, the company is continuously optimizing its semi-solid system, with an energy density of up to 360Wh/kg. At the same time, Bike Battery has officially planned to apply metal lithium negative electrodes to semi-solid battery systems, with plans to increase energy density to 450Wh/kg by the end of 2024.

Last month, Zhengli New Energy released a dual semi-solid ultra long endurance cylindrical battery. It is reported that Zhengli Xinneng has developed solid-state electrolyte surface modification technology and solid-state electrolyte composite separator technology for ultra-high nickel cathode materials. Thanks to this, the initial failure temperature of the large cylindrical battery cell increased by 10 ° C, and the maximum failure temperature decreased by 150 ° C. In terms of power performance improvement, the low-temperature power at minus 20 ° C has increased by 20%.

It is reported that the Zhengli New Energy 46 series large cylindrical battery cells adopt a material system of ultra-high nickel positive electrode and high silicon negative electrode, which makes the energy density of the power battery system exceed 245Wh/kg, and the total battery capacity can reach up to 170kWh. It supports pure electric MPV models, with a full charge range of over 1000 kilometers.

Recently, Yiwei Lithium revealed that the company has completed the development of some products for its solid-liquid mixed semi-solid system. Based on a 50Ah soft pack semi-solid state battery, it can achieve an energy density of 330Wh/Kg and a cycle life of over 2000 times.

The semi-solid battery of Qingtao Energy is composed of a composite positive electrode, a composite negative electrode, an electrolyte, and an electrolyte separator. There is still a liquid injection process, with a liquid ratio of approximately 5% -15%. This year, it will be equipped with the Zhiji L6 and put on the market for sale.

According to Funeng Technology, its first generation semi-solid battery has been successfully mass-produced and installed in vehicles; The next generation of semi-solid products is ready for mass production, with higher energy density, suitable for emerging fields such as passenger cars and low altitude flight.

Lishen Battery revealed that the company completed the development of a new generation of semi-solid batteries in January this year, with an energy density of 402Wh/kg. It is reported that this product combines high energy density and high safety performance, adopts new integrated design technology, and suppresses transition metal dissolution and structural dislocation growth by regulating the electrochemical process, achieving ultra lightweight and high safety of semi-solid batteries. It is reported that the product will mainly target high-end electric vehicles with ultra long endurance in the future, as well as eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft) and other fields.

From the perspective of technological maturity and industrialization process, China has achieved leadership in the field of liquid and semi-solid batteries, especially in the next two to three years when semi-solid batteries are expected to achieve mass supporting applications, continuing to lead in high safety, high energy density and other dimensions.

Compared to China, Japan and Europe and America are in a backward position in liquid and semi-solid batteries. The goal of developing all solid state batteries is to overturn China's advantages in liquid lithium batteries. "We need to maintain our advantages, prevent subversion, conquer all solid-state, and optimize liquid lithium-ion batteries. We cannot throw away liquid lithium-ion batteries. Liquid lithium-ion batteries are our strengths and will continue to rely on them for decades to come," said Ouyang Minggao. In fact, the industry has a clear understanding of the disruptive risks of all solid state batteries. Whether it is how the current top battery companies can consolidate their advantages or cope with competition from overseas enterprises, the research and development of all solid state batteries will be forced to accelerate.