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电动化转型倒退 美汽车市场在发生什么


  美国银行证券(BofA Securities)的分析报告显示,汽车制造商的产品规划部门受困于汽车产品动力总成的决策问题,因为关于为未来汽车提供何种动力的决策比以往任何时候都更不明确。“这里的动力总成难题确实导致了我们从未见过的产品规划问题”,美银证券高级汽车分析师约翰·墨菲(John Murphy)表示。

  通用汽车首席执行官玛丽·巴拉(Mary Barra)近期对公司的电动汽车转型预期进行了调整,将继续推出包括传统燃油车、纯电动汽车等多样化汽车产品,公司对替代燃料汽车(电动汽车、混动动力汽车、燃料电池汽车等)增长的信心正在减弱。事实上,除了特斯拉、Lucid和Rivian等全电动公司之外,传统燃油车正在重新受到整个行业的喜爱。

电动化转型倒退 美汽车市场在发生什么


  Murphy表示,虽然汽车制造商有很多关于混合动力汽车的讨论,但更多的是讨论而非实际行动。分析报告显示,新的替代动力总成汽车产品的数量将从2025年的36种增加到2027 年的58种,但在2028年回落到54种。


电动化转型倒退 美汽车市场在发生什么



  AutoForecast Solutions全球车辆预测副总裁Sam Fiorani认为,在未来10到15年内,燃油车将继续占据主导地位,汽车制造商需要的是拥有更大自由度和灵活度的生产平台,如果将平台和工厂专用于一种动力总成将会占用大量成本,且在需要转移动力传动系统时,单一的平台将无法发挥作用。


电动化转型倒退 美汽车市场在发生什么




European and American car manufacturers have pressed the "pause button" for electrification transformation.

Mercedes Benz announced an adjustment to its electrification transformation plan, postponing the target of "50% sales of electric vehicles" originally scheduled for 2025 to be achieved by 2030, and slowing down the goal of "comprehensive electrification by 2030," promising to continue updating internal combustion engine automotive products in the next decade;

Apple announces the shutdown of its ten-year long electric vehicle project, the Titan Project;

Volkswagen officially announced an indefinite delay in the launch plan of its flagship electric sedan ID. 7 in the North American market;

Ford announced the shutdown of all electric vehicle production lines at the beginning of the year, while General Motors postponed plans to open new factories. Both companies stated that due to lower than expected market demand and declining corporate profits, they will postpone some investment plans related to the electric vehicle industry.
What is happening in the US automotive market due to the regression of electrification transformation

The regression of electrification transformation is affecting product planning, transformation direction, platform development, and product marketing in the US automotive market.

The analysis report from Bank of America Securities shows that the product planning departments of automakers are struggling with decision-making issues regarding automotive product powertrains, as decisions about what kind of power to provide for future cars are clearer than ever before. "The powertrain challenges here have indeed led to product planning issues we have never seen before," said John Murphy, senior automotive analyst at Bank of America Securities.

General Motors CEO Mary Barra has recently adjusted her expectations for the company's electric vehicle transformation and will continue to launch diversified automotive products including traditional fuel vehicles and pure electric vehicles. The company's confidence in the growth of alternative fuel vehicles (electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, etc.) is weakening. In fact, apart from all electric companies such as Tesla, Lucid, and Rivian, traditional fuel vehicles are regaining the favor of the entire industry.
What is happening in the US automotive market due to the regression of electrification transformation

General Motors originally expected that the number of new models of alternative fuel vehicles would account for 64% of the total new car releases in the coming years, but currently, the company has lowered this target to 60%. Automotive analyst Murphy believes that the decrease from 64% to 60%, although only a 4% gap, actually means the continuation of the life of gasoline powered cars and a significant shift in the entire industry towards gasoline powered cars.

Murphy stated that although there is a lot of discussion among car manufacturers about hybrid vehicles, it is more about discussion rather than actual action. The analysis report shows that the number of new alternative powertrain vehicle products will increase from 36 in 2025 to 58 in 2027, but will fall back to 54 in 2028.

The reason for the revival of fuel powered vehicles is that they can make money for car manufacturers, especially large pickup trucks, high-end SUVs, and crossover cars. The money earned from these fuel powered vehicles can be used for the development of other alternative powertrain products in the future. So when chaos or uncertainty dominates, taking some time to retreat to the comfort zone while still planning for the future is also a way to deal with it.
What is happening in the US automotive market due to the regression of electrification transformation

What some American car manufacturers may be doing now is to "return to their comfort zone and leverage their strengths.". It can already be seen that General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis are refocusing on trucks and crossover vehicles, while Japanese and Korean car companies are also focusing on small and large car platforms as well as crossover vehicle platforms.

Meanwhile, with the uncertain prospects of the electric vehicle market, car manufacturers are abandoning dedicated electric vehicle platforms.

Sam Fiorani, Vice President of Global Vehicle Forecasting at AutoForecast Solutions, believes that in the next 10 to 15 years, gasoline vehicles will continue to dominate, and car manufacturers need production platforms with greater freedom and flexibility. If the platform and factory are dedicated to one powertrain, it will consume a lot of costs, and a single platform will not be able to function when the powertrain system needs to be transferred.

For example, Stellantis' STLA platform has a traditional internal combustion engine infrastructure, but in reality, it can also adapt to hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and gasoline engines; Tesla also plans to launch the next generation "platform" that can accommodate all of its models to further reduce production costs.
What is happening in the US automotive market due to the regression of electrification transformation

In addition, major car manufacturers with independent marketing channels for electric vehicles, such as Mercedes Benz's EQ, BMW's i-series, and Toyota's BZ, are adjusting and abandoning these sub brands, choosing to include electric vehicles in the same sub brands as traditional models. This can reduce marketing expenses, lower car purchase costs, and also incorporate the sales of electric vehicle versions into the total sales of gasoline vehicle versions, making the book "better looking".

However, it should be pointed out that the current rapid development of China's electric vehicle industry has greatly intensified the concerns of European and American car companies about the future evolution of the global automotive power landscape. Intelligent electrification technology is the trend of the development of the automotive industry. If European and American car companies give up halfway at this time, Chinese car companies will continue to move forward in the electrification track, and the future situation may become even more passive.

Although the future automotive industry has various fuel/powertrain combinations, it looks more like a mosaic, more diverse, and more complex. But for multinational car companies, it may be difficult to achieve both in the era of electrification.