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      When a liquid lithium battery device "collides" with a solid-state battery




















The development of liquid lithium batteries is booming, and the competition for the next generation of solid-state batteries is constantly accelerating. Currently, domestic and foreign battery manufacturers and car companies, including CATL, Yiwei Lithium Energy, Funeng Technology, Zhengli New Energy, Lishen Battery, Guoxuan High tech, Xinwangda, LG New Energy, Panasonic, NIO, SAIC, GAC, Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Hyundai, etc., are actively promoting solid-state batteries.

When a liquid lithium battery device "collides" with a solid-state battery

Recently, there have been media reports that China may invest about 6 billion yuan in the research and development of all solid state batteries. The project will be led by relevant government departments to encourage eligible enterprises to carry out research and development on all solid state battery related technologies. Several enterprises, including CATL, BYD, FAW, SAIC, etc., may receive government basic research and development support. After strict screening, the project was ultimately divided into seven major projects, focusing on different technological routes such as polymers and sulfides.

"If the government provides funding to encourage the research and development of all solid-state batteries for automotive and battery companies, the process of solid-state batteries from laboratory to mass production application may accelerate, and it will prioritize driving the order demand of upstream equipment manufacturers." CITIC Securities pointed out that currently, top domestic lithium battery equipment manufacturers are cooperating with downstream customers, actively laying out the research and development of solid-state battery equipment, and promoting the industrialization process of solid-state batteries. Domestic top lithium battery equipment manufacturers are expected to maintain a leading advantage in the era of solid-state batteries.


Significant changes in production processes

As is well known in the industry, the core technological idea of solid-state batteries is to replace liquid electrolytes with solid electrolytes, accompanied by innovations in positive and negative electrode materials. So, at the level of production and manufacturing technology, is there a fundamental difference between existing liquid lithium battery production equipment and solid-state battery manufacturing equipment? Are the two battery devices universal or what are their commonalities? What conditions or factors do existing lithium battery equipment manufacturers need to meet in order to transition to solid-state battery equipment manufacturing enterprises? What is the biggest problem?

"In the current development of battery technology, solid state batteries have not yet formed a unified process route. Currently, the mainstream products in the market are mostly semi-solid or quasi solid state batteries, rather than all solid state batteries." A domestic equipment manufacturer stated that with the use of silicon carbon negative electrodes and membrane coated solid electrolyte, the existing production process can remain relatively stable without the need for large-scale adjustments. In addition, some companies choose to apply dry film production technology in the front-end process, which also allows the equipment in the back-end process to maintain the current status.

Overall, semi-solid state batteries and solid-state batteries are a manifestation of lithium battery technology iteration, and this iterative upgrade is conducive to increasing equipment demand and continuous optimization of the industry landscape. The above-mentioned equipment manufacturers pointed out that if they shift to using all solid electrolytes and using lithium metal as the negative electrode material in the future, the production process will face significant changes. Therefore, equipment manufacturers must make corresponding transformations.

"There are several difficulties in achieving mass production of solid-state batteries in the industry chain, one is innovation in technology and equipment, and the other is very high requirements for manufacturing capacity and quality." Li Zheng, General Manager of Qingtao Energy, pointed out that traditional liquid battery production lines are definitely not suitable for manufacturing all solid batteries. Therefore, all solid state batteries have also put forward new requirements for equipment manufacturers, and it is also a huge opportunity for equipment manufacturers.


Numerous equipment companies compete to layout

It is not difficult to imagine that the industrialization development of solid-state batteries in the future will bring a new round of revolution to the process equipment, which is expected to drive new investment trends and the replacement of outdated production capacity. As of now, many device manufacturers have extensive and in-depth layouts in the field of solid-state batteries, most of which are industry leaders.

Recently, Yinghe Technology stated on the interactive platform that the company is actively investing in the research and development of new solid-state battery devices. At present, the company has successfully developed a dry process solid-state electrode rolling equipment and will continue to develop a complete set of dry process solid-state electrode manufacturing systems. In addition, it is reported that the wet solid-state electrode coating equipment developed by the company has been successfully shipped to top domestic customer sites.

"Relying on the profound technological accumulation and innovation ability of the lithium battery industry, the company can provide customers with key equipment for solid-state batteries, including solid-state electrode preparation, solid-state electrolyte membrane preparation and composite equipment, bare cell assembly, degassing packaging, chemical composition and capacity division." Pioneer Intelligence stated that the company has received orders for key equipment for solid-state batteries from multiple internationally renowned enterprises.

It is understood that Liyuanheng has successfully developed a dry process electrode core equipment project with completely independent intellectual property rights. Currently, the project has applied for and obtained multiple invention patents and utility model patents. It is reported that the production line of Liyuanheng's delivery of Qingtao Energy has entered mass production. In addition, Liyuanheng has delivered a semi-solid battery pilot production line device to Guoxuan High tech, and is also jointly developing a full solid-state battery production line equipment project with GAC Aian.

In addition, Haimuxing stated that the company has participated in the development of solid-state battery equipment, made significant breakthroughs in key technologies and processes, and delivered and produced various equipment and production lines for domestic solid-state and quasi solid-state battery pilot production lines. Some of the equipment has already achieved mass production and sales of 480Wh/kg batteries. Hangke Technology also stated that the company has cooperated with multiple domestic and foreign manufacturers on the pilot line of semi-solid batteries, and actively carried out technological research and development related to solid-state battery post-treatment equipment.

Yuchen Intelligence, which is deeply involved in lithium battery intelligent equipment, recently revealed that it has been continuously monitoring the development trends of new energy technologies such as semi-solid and solid-state batteries, and actively participating in the research and development of related equipment requirements, forming small batch shipments to related customers.

With numerous global enterprises accelerating the industrialization of solid-state batteries, the future solid-state battery market will be very promising. According to industry forecasts, the global demand for solid-state batteries will reach 44.2 GWh and 494.9 GWh in 2025 and 2030, respectively; By 2030, the market space for solid-state batteries is expected to exceed 150 billion yuan, and the demand for equipment updates will also be considerable.